Now exhibiting at COPACC

 Welcome to the annual Wednesday Painter's exhibition.

The group has been painting together since 1999. Members have come and gone, and some have returned throughout the years.

Our current artists are Rosaria Lambert, June Dare, Myra Duval, Laurie Shaw and Loretta Phillips, the latter being one of the original artists that started the group 25 years ago. 


The group came together to share their love of art and for the friendships they have formed and now share. 


The Group would love to have more people join them - new members would be most welcome. 

Come join the Wednesday Painters most Wednesdays (who would have thought) at the

Colac Neighbourhood House
23 Miller Street, Colac
03 5232 5368 or 03 5232 5210
between 1pm and 4pm

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The exhibition is open from